Покажи свою любовь
Может ревность, может злость ...
Танго танец для двоих.
Танго – разговор без слов.
Может ревность, может злость ...
Танго танец для двоих.
Танго – разговор без слов.
Сегодня в теме снова - Танго!
Знаменитое Танго!
Кто только не исполняли / не пели и не поёт!
Кто только не исполняли / не пели и не поёт!
«Jalousie 'Tango Tzigane', is a composition by the Danish composer Jacob Gade. It was written in 1925 and soon became popular around the world.
Jacob Thune Hansen Gade (Vejle, Denmark, November 29, 1879 – February 20, 1963, Assens) was a Danish violinist and composer, mostly of orchestral popular music.
Today he is remembered for a single tune, the familiar Jalousie 'Tango Tzigane', also known as Tango Jalousie, or simply Jalousie, premiered»
Просто - слушаем.
Просто - любуемся!
Я слушаю ... - не могу наслушаться!
Просто - любуемся!
Я слушаю ... - не могу наслушаться!
Необыкновенный и бесконечно - обожаемый!
Неподражаемый и Неповторимый!
Adriano Celentano / Адриано Челентано.
« Jealousy tango »
Jacob Gade.
Здесь - лучше звук.
А здесь можно понаблюдать Адриано Челентано -
поющего и танцующего - Танго.
О, танец танго, звук манящий,
Из каблуков, сердец и нот...
То дикий вопль птиц кричащих,
То тихий шёпот южных снов.
Роман из ревности и неги,
Коктейль измены и любви,
Иллюзион оттенков метких,
Что рвёт дыхание в груди.
Из каблуков, сердец и нот...
То дикий вопль птиц кричащих,
То тихий шёпот южных снов.
Роман из ревности и неги,
Коктейль измены и любви,
Иллюзион оттенков метких,
Что рвёт дыхание в груди.
che m'ami ripetimi
nel cuore sento
come un presentimento
ti prego perdonami
questo momento
non lo devi scordar
You love me ripetimi
I feel in the heart
Like a premonition
Hold me,
Please forgive me
This time
You must not forget
che m'ami ripetimi
nel cuore sento
come un presentimento
ti prego perdonami
questo momento
non lo devi scordar
You love me ripetimi
I feel in the heart
Like a premonition
Hold me,
Please forgive me
This time
You must not forget
che donna sei
cosa vuoi
cosa cerchi tu da me
tu dove andrai
senza me cosa farai
che donna sei
non ridi mai
ti piacera' star con me
What a woman six
What you want
What you are looking for from me
Where do you go
What will you do without me
What a woman six
Do not ever laugh
You will like 'star with me
cosa vuoi
cosa cerchi tu da me
tu dove andrai
senza me cosa farai
che donna sei
non ridi mai
ti piacera' star con me
What a woman six
What you want
What you are looking for from me
Where do you go
What will you do without me
What a woman six
Do not ever laugh
You will like 'star with me
amore vuol dire gelosia
nessuno lo sa più di me
la notte non dormo pensando a lei
di giorno son triste che piangerei
Love means jealousy
Nobody knows more? me
I do not sleep at night thinking about her
The day I am sad that cry
nessuno lo sa più di me
la notte non dormo pensando a lei
di giorno son triste che piangerei
Love means jealousy
Nobody knows more? me
I do not sleep at night thinking about her
The day I am sad that cry
ti prego su baciami
questo e' il momento
non lo devi scordar
I beg you to kiss me
This and 'the moment
You must not forget
ti prego su baciami
questo e' il momento
non lo devi scordar
I beg you to kiss me
This and 'the moment
You must not forget
che donna sei
cosa vuoi, cosa cerchi tu da me
tu dove andrai, senza me cosa farai
che donna sei
non ridi mai
ti piacera' star con me
What a woman six
What you want, what you are looking for from me
Where you go, what will you do without me
What a woman six
Do not ever laugh
You will like 'star with me
cosa vuoi, cosa cerchi tu da me
tu dove andrai, senza me cosa farai
che donna sei
non ridi mai
ti piacera' star con me
What a woman six
What you want, what you are looking for from me
Where you go, what will you do without me
What a woman six
Do not ever laugh
You will like 'star with me
amore vuol dire gelosia
nessuno lo sa piu' di me
domani col pulmann io vado via
e indietro ti giuro non tornero'
se amore vuol dir gelosia
allora son pazzo di te
è meglio cosi' che soffrire di piu'
io lo so
ti pentirai, mi cercherai
nessuno lo sa piu' di me
domani col pulmann io vado via
e indietro ti giuro non tornero'
se amore vuol dir gelosia
allora son pazzo di te
è meglio cosi' che soffrire di piu'
io lo so
ti pentirai, mi cercherai
Вот такая тема.
С нестареющим, неувядаемым Танго.
С нестареющим, неувядаемым Танго.
« Jealousy tango »
«Танго - ревность»
«Ревности танго»
А тему украсили работы / живопись Австралийского художника Colin Staples.
Родился 14 мая 1959 г. в Мельбурне — втором по величине город Австралии,
Живёт в Буэнос-Айресе.
Родился 14 мая 1959 г. в Мельбурне — втором по величине город Австралии,
Живёт в Буэнос-Айресе.
« Для меня искусство всегда было моей жизненной искрой ... »
А Танго - его кисти! - восхитительны!
For Colin Staples \"Art\" and the world of \"Visual Imagery\" has always been a vital driving force within his life. It is where he instinctually connects with the beauty and character of each subject he puts on canvas, and the place where he discovers the moment where the visual journey begins with the train of thought in mind …
“I let go and watch the work create itself”
Although Colin’s love for art has existed since his early childhood years, and has continued to develop throughout his adult life Colin professes, “the concepts behind my art have been largely influenced by years of studying martial arts and it‘s philosophy of \"shedding the ego“. Colin feels his best work is expressed through this approach, which has created a solid sense of intimacy and trust with the process and the subjects he paints.
Colin’s work is primarily portrait and figure in acrylics, which resonates a genuine feel of freshness through the continuous strokes and mixing of new colors. His paintings are on a large scale where Colin’s objective is to paint to the surface of the canvas while retaining the quality of the soul he sees before him. He states “although there is a lot of pre-planning that has to take place prior to the actual painting of the subject … and most of it goes out the window. However, it is at that very place where my ego moves out of the way and allows the image to create itself“.
“my work is completed within the one sitting to capture the soul and life essence of the subject. I find when I allow my soul the freedom to paint another’s soul ~ those are my best works and that of true\" LifeArt “.
So after many years of painting Colin continues to feel a passion and calling toward abstraction with the focus on maintaining the essence and integrity of the soul before him. It is also where these elements stand as a testament to his love and respect for art, the incredible process and the next visual journey that awaits him. »
Извержением вулкана
Обжигает страстный взгляд,
Чувства в нём кипят, как лава,
Словно молнии блестят.
Это пламенное танго -
Танец буйного огня,
Сил своих ничуть не жалко,
Пролетает жизнь горя.
Как отточены движенья,
Жесты выверены рук
Ревности, любви сплетенье,
Аж захватывает дух.
Обжигает страстный взгляд,
Чувства в нём кипят, как лава,
Словно молнии блестят.
Это пламенное танго -
Танец буйного огня,
Сил своих ничуть не жалко,
Пролетает жизнь горя.
Как отточены движенья,
Жесты выверены рук
Ревности, любви сплетенье,
Аж захватывает дух.
1 comment:
И снова, здравствуйте, Трень-Брень!
Сколько лет, сколько зим! В тему о танго хочу предложить, да, танго. Правда, и на танго вовсе не похожее. Очевидно, потому что - дикое? Не розы, но Вайкуле!
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