Станцуй мне фламенко, танцовщица с юга,
Мятежной волною огня
В мелодии ветра, что с уст шестиструнных,
Пленит созерцаньем меня.
Блесни на подмосткам звездой чернокудрой,
Вьюном в ритмах ходких змеясь,
Опутав в изгибах слепящей фигуры
Зеницы взволнованных глаз.
Мятежной волною огня
В мелодии ветра, что с уст шестиструнных,
Пленит созерцаньем меня.
Блесни на подмосткам звездой чернокудрой,
Вьюном в ритмах ходких змеясь,
Опутав в изгибах слепящей фигуры
Зеницы взволнованных глаз.
Испанскою страстью затми стынь грядущих
Времён, без улыбки твоей,
Когда я оставив сей берег цветущий,
Уйду с чередой кораблей.
В сердечную память, на долгие годы,
Что нашу приязнь разлучают,
Станцуй мне фламенко, прощальным аккордом,
У гавани скрытой печали.
( И. Гутковский )
« Андреа Бочелли (итал. Andrea Bocelli; 22 сентября 1958, Лаятико, Тоскана, Италия) — итальянский певец (тенор), исполнитель классической и популярной музыки. Как и Лучано Паваротти, Андреа Бочелли сделал очень много для тех людей, которые только начинают слушать классическую музыку, занимаясь ее популяризацией. »
Слушаем одну из самых популярных песен - напевов фламенко?
« Jurame » / « Promise Me »
(Maria Grever)
Andrea Bocelli.
Тёмной и страстной, гордой цыганке
Ритмы фламенко дарил.
Звук кастаньеты эхом отдался.
Песнь каблуками дробил.
Мистика танца: ангел нисходит,
Муза, «дуэнде», как шторм.
Девушка – буря, полубогиня,
Душу похитит перстом.
( Лариса Луканева )
Que aunque pase mucho tiempo
Nunca olvidar� el momento
En que yo te conoc�
Promise me,
that although much time may pass
you'll never forget the moment
when I first met you.
Pues no hay nada mas profundo
Ni más grande en este mundo
Que el cariño que te dí
Look at me,
'cause there's nothing more profound
nor bigger in this world
than the love I gave to you.
Con un beso enamorado
Como nadie me ha besado
Desde el día en que nací
Kiss me,
with a kiss so full of love
like no one has ever kissed me
since the day that I was born.
Quiéreme hasta la locura
Así sabrás la amargura
Que estoy sufriendo por ti
Love me,
love me until you feel the madness
and understand the bitter pain
that I am suffering for you.
Todos dicen que es mentira que te quiero
Porque nunca me habian visto
They all say it's a lie that I love you
'cause they've never seen me so in love
Yo te juro que yo mismo no comprendo
El porqué de tu mirar me ha
I swear to you that I don't know why
the look in your eyes has kept me captive.
Cuando estoy cerca de ti
ya estoy contento
No quisiera que de nadie te acordaras
When you are near me
and I am happy
I wish that you'd remember no one else
ya estoy contento
No quisiera que de nadie te acordaras
When you are near me
and I am happy
I wish that you'd remember no one else
Tengo cellos hasta de mi pensamiento
Que purda recordarte
Otra persona amada
I am jealous even of my thoughts
that may remind you
of another person you once loved.
Que aunque pase mucho tiempo
Nunca olvidaré el momento
En que yo te conocí
Promise me
that although much time may pass
you will not forget the moment
when I first met you.
Pues no hay nada mas profundo
Ni más grande en este mundo
Que el cariño que te dí
Look at me,
'cause there's nothing more profound
nor bigger in this world
than the love I gave to you.
Con un beso enamorado
Como nadie me ha besado
Desde el día en que nací
Kiss me,
with a kiss so full of love
like no one has ever kissed me
since the day that I was born.
Quiéreme hasta la locura
Así sabrás la amargura
Que estoy sufriendo por ti
Love me,
love me until you feel the madness
and understand the bitter pain
that I am suffering for you...
А к странице с великолепным этим пением - удивительно красочные, проникнутые огненным жаром фламенко - полотна Британского художника Fletcher Sibthorp.
« Fletcher Sibthorp (7 March 1967 –) is a British artist based in London, England.
He is predominantly known for his large-scale figurative pieces, mostly in oil and usually depicting movement in the form of dance; ranging from contemporary dance through to classical ballet and flamenco.
His work is housed in both private and corporate collections, mostly in the United Kingdom and Japan.
He has painted several key figures in the world of dance, notably Royal Ballet principals Darcey Bussell, Sarah Lamb, Miyako Yoshida and Alina Cojocaru, and the flamenco performers, Joaquín Cortés, Eva Yerbabuena and Sara Baras.
Fletcher Sibthorp has had a successful career as a painter since graduating with Honours in 1989. Fletcher’s paintings adorn the walls of art galleries, restaurants, private residences and commercial premises around the world and have featured on the covers of many books. He is one of the most successful published artists in the UK today, with many of his limited edition prints highly sought after.
Primarily a figurative painter, Fletcher draws his inspiration from many different sources; books, music, travel and – more specifically – dance performances.
Although some critics believe that Fletcher Sibthorp is a traditional painter; his methods are in practice highly experimental. Fletcher himself refers to his style of work as painting by serendipity, or painting on the edge.
Primarily a figurative painter, Fletcher draws his inspiration from many different sources; books, music, travel and – more specifically – dance performances.
Although some critics believe that Fletcher Sibthorp is a traditional painter; his methods are in practice highly experimental. Fletcher himself refers to his style of work as painting by serendipity, or painting on the edge.
"I was always interested in the human form and except for a few paintings have painted nothing but. To interpret weight, form, light and then the flow and line of the human form is the challenge. To create the body with as much economy of line as possible, like Gustav Klimt's drawings, is the ultimate goal. As a figurative painter, I also like the way you are involving the viewer. You are asking them to interpret and add their own experiences to a painting. People can't help but associate or relate to a figurative work. It's not the same with a bowl of fruit or landscape, no matter how dramatic it is."
"I like the idea of classical themes: mainly because they are so universally recognisable that only a few simple elements are needed to create a theme; their simplicity is what makes them contemporary, but they are influenced by the ancient. I like this juxtaposition."
"Painting for me is an expressive process. My role is to decide whether something works ... and if certain elements add anything to the whole. It's a fine balance of control and experimentation. Even I don't know how the paintings will develop. They take on their own life, creating their own spirituality."
“When a body is caught on film at a slow shutter speed it is abstracted. I quite like that – bits of bodies missing, blurred. It is a bit like a visual puzzle, where the viewer fills in the gaps.”
"I believe that artwork, especially my kind of work, should be self-explanatory as it is a visual language. If you have to explain it, you are failing to a certain extent. Everything should be conveyed in the painting .... I would go along with Oscar Wilde, who once said, "A picture has no meaning but its beauty, no message but its joy".
For most of his paintings Fletcher produces a line drawing and/or colour study on drawing film before he paints the final piece. If he is happy with a particular drawing he will keep it and use it as the basis for a colour study. These studies allow him to get to know his subject and to decide if there is an area on which he particularly wants to focus. They also allow him to experiment with colour, body movement and light.»
Вверх грациозно взметнулись запястья,
Стук кастаньет вдруг разрезал затишье..
В диком порыве безудержной страсти
Сердце безумное пламенем дышит.
Словно костёр, шёлк пурпуровый вспыхнул
И заскользил, разгораясь по коже...
Дробью чечётка ударила лихо –
Тело наполнилось сладостной дрожью!
Жаром манили упругие груди,
Тайною силой безумства чаруя...
Танец «Фламенко» придумали люди,
Но вдохновлял искуситель, колдуя!
Стук кастаньет – и рассыпалось сердце
Звоном хрустальным разбитого кубка.
Жаждала плоть жаром танца согреться –
Ритму внимая восторженно-чутко.
Вырвалась страсть из сердечного склепа –
Словно стихия, вспенённой волною...
Боги, помилуйте! Грешен я, Небо!
В бездну готов я ступить за тобою!
Пурпур шелков застилал алым очи ...
Воля зачахла, замолк нудный разум ...
Жертвой Фламенко я пал этой ночью –
Испепелённый безумным экстазом!
( «Фламенко». Саша Венский )