Ну, раз уж зазвучала испанская легкокрылая, страстная музыка - помещу-ка я ещё одну задорную песенку в исполнении голосисто поющей птицы -- flamenco-electronic band ( originally from Mаlaga, Andalusia, Spain) -- Chambao !
Chambao are : La Mari, Roberto Cantero, Oliver sierra, Toni Romero, Toni Cantero, Juan Heredia and Pepe Cielo .
( с лидирующе-солирующей - в бэнде - немыслимо грациозной, немыслимо даровитой звонкопоющей La Mari )
*на сей раз - исхитрилась с переводом с испанского - на английский! ( см. серую линию) *

Andaba perdia de camino pa' la casa
I was walking and i lost the way to the house
cavilando en lo que soy y en lo que siento
pondering what i am and what i feel
poquito a poco entendiendo
little by little understanding
que no vale la pena andar por andar
that it's not worth the trouble to walk for the sake of walking
que´s mejor caminá pa' ir creciendo
that it's better to walk for the sake of growing

volvere a encontrame con vosotros
I will come back to find me with you
volvere a sonreir en la mañana
I will come back to smile in the morning
volvere con lagrima en los ojos
I will come back with tears in my eyes
mirar al cielo y dar las gracias
to watch the sky and give thanks
poquito a poco entendiendo
little by little understanding

que no vale la pena andar por andar
that it's not worth the trouble to walk for the sake of walking
que´s mejor caminá pa' ir creciendo
that it's better to walk for the sake of growing
poquito a poco entendiendo
little by little understanding
que no vale la pena andar por andar
that it's not worth the trouble to walk for the sake of walking
que´s mejor caminá pa' ir creciendo
that it's better to walk for the sake of growing

mirarme dentro y comprender
look at me inside (look at my heart) and understand
que tus ojos son mis ojos
that your eyes are my eyes
que tu piel es mi piel
that your skin is my skin
en tu oido me alborozoin
your attention (more or less) i am joyful
en tu sonrisa me baño
i bathe in your smile

y soy parte de tu ser
and i am part of your being
que no vale la pena andar por andar
that it's not worth the trouble to walk for the sake of walking
que´s mejor caminá pa' ir creciendo
that it's better to walk for the sake of growing
poquito a poco entendiendo
little by little understanding
que no vale la pena andar por andar
that it's not worth the trouble to walk for the sake of walking

que´s mejor caminá pa' ir creciendo
that it's better to walk for the sake of growing
poquito a poco entendiendo
little by little understanding
que no vale la pena andar por andar
that it's not worth the trouble to walk for the sake of walking
que´s mejor caminá pa' ir creciendo
that it's better to walk for the sake of growing
volvere a sentarme con los mio
I will come back to sit with mine (basically, i will come back to be with "my" people)

volvere a compartir mi alegria
I will come back to share my happiness
volvere pa' contarte que he soñado
I will come back to tell you that i dreamed of
colores nuevos y dias claros
new colors and clear days
volvere pa' contarte que he soñao
I will come back to tell you that i dreamed of
colores nuevos y dias claros
new colors and clear days...
А песенку "наполнила" фантазийными, трепетными сюрреалистичными акварельными зарисовками Колумбийской художницы Cristina Hoyos.
« Cristina Hoyos. “Hoyos’s compositions are visionary journeys depicting fragmented figures in metaphysical spaces in luminous colors that enhance their rarefied, dreamlike imagery. The addition of organic material such as leaves, in some of her smaller mixed media works, adds to the poetry that makes Cristina Hoyos an appealing and compelling painter of personal dreamscapes.”—Andrew Loomis, Gallery and Studio Magazine, Sept-Oct 2001.
Originally from Colombia, Cristina Hoyos is a postmodern Surrealist who explores the theme of the witnessing through the ubiquitous image of a mysterious eye that appears in many of her paintings, collages and drawings. Since 2001, her work has been exhibited at the Montserrat Gallery and the Colombian Consulate in New York City, as well as the Edison Art Society, Perth Amboy Gallery, and Middlesex County College in New Jersey. »
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