Погляди, бледно-синее небо покрыто звёздами,
А холодное солнце ещё над водою горит,
И большая дорога на запад ведёт облаками
В золотые, как поздняя осень. Сады Гесперид.

Дорогая моя, проходя по пустынной дороге,
Мы, усталые, сядем на камень и сладко вздохнём,
Наши волосы спутает ветер душистый, и ноги
Предзакатное солнце омоет прохладным огнём.

Будут волны шуметь, на песчаную мель набегая,
Разнесётся вдали заунывная песнь рыбака ...
Это всё оттого, что тебя я люблю, дорогая,
Больше тёплого ветра, и волн, и морского песка.

В этом томном, глухом и торжественном мире — нас двое,
Больше нет никого. Больше нет ничего. Погляди:
Потемневшее солнце трепещет, как сердце живое,
Как живое влюблённое сердце, что бьется в груди.
( Георгий Иванов )

« Никто, никогда ... »
Исполнитель: Алёна Свиридова.
Автор слов: Алёна Свиридова.
Композитор: Алёна Свиридова.

Я решила зайти к тебе как-то на днях.
Мы не виделись тысячу лет,

Но я знаю, остался в душе у меня
Твой далёкий и ласковый свет.

Ведь никто, никогда,
Ведь никто, никогда

Не любил тебя так, как я,
Не любил тебя так, как я.

Дверь открылась, и я не узнала тебя.
Ты стал взрослый, совсем не такой,

Я застыла на месте, свой шарф теребя.
И подумала с прежней тоской :

Что никто, никогда,
Что никто, никогда

Не любил тебя так, как я,
Не любил тебя так, как я.

Как всегда, поутру ты на кухне курил,

И собака лежала у ног.

Я рассеянно слушала, ты говорил,

Что теперь ты понять только смог,

Что никто, никогда,
Что никто, никогда

Не любил тебя так, как я,
Не любил тебя так, как я.

Стильная какая песня.
А к песне, к стихам - удивительные карандашные эскизы
( давно уже хотела поместить в блог творчество этой художницы)
молодой художницы из Дании, виртуозно владеющей карандашом -
Зинди Нильсен / Zindy S. D. Nielsen.

Zindy S. D. Nielsen
18. August 1979
I live:
Copenhagen - Denmark - Europe.

Drawing is my biggest passion and has been since 2000. Each day I grow to love it even more.
I have been drawing on and off since I was a little girl, it was a great way of getting through sad times. I drew my first real portrait when I was about 16 years old of Michael Jackson. The following years I didn't draw as I was busy with school and I didn't really feel the passion for it. When I was 20 years old I started drawing people again and slowly I began to love it more and more. When I was 21 I really started drawing like crazy and today I love it more than ever.
It was also about that time my friend gave me my first charcoal as a birthday present. Though it was not the best kind of charcoal (I later found out), it was the beginning of my charcoal drawings.
My biggest inspiration is my feelings, things I have been going through in life. I find inspiration in the music I listen to as well as it has an amazing way of giving you a certain feeling of either joy or sadness. I love to portray feelings, especially sad ones as it has a great deep meaning to me.
My favourite motive is the human face as well as fairies and angels, there's something magic about it. I love to create something based on an emotion, whether it be my fantasy drawings or portraits. I think art should always have emotions as it makes you feel something and can move you in so many different ways. (c)
Zindy S. D. Nielsen
18. August 1979
I live:
Copenhagen - Denmark - Europe.
Художница о себе:
Spring and summertime – my favourite time of the year. I just love silent rain on an early spring day. Being with my family and closest friends. People with the ability to always make you smile and feel good, some people just got that something special. Homemade strawberry/banana milkshake.
Playstation .
My biggest passion is without a doubt drawing, I really love the feeling of creating something emotional, beautiful and unique. I love trying out new materials though my love is still charcoal and probably always will be.pring and summertime, silent rain on a spring day, being with my family and my friends. Playing games on my PS2. My favourite type of games is adventure games like Dark Cloud 1 and 2 – my all time favourite games. People with the ability to always make you smile, some people just got that something.
My biggest passion is without a doubt drawing, I really love the feeling of creating something emotional and beautiful.
Last but not least I love shopping clothes and drawing materials, I'm very girli on that one.
I hate:
Winter and cold - though I think snow can be very beautiful and mesmerizing on a sunny winter day. Wind - it always messes up you hair. Fake dishonest people. People who steal other's artwork and claim it to be theirs. Spiders and last but not least brussel sprout.
Spring and summertime – my favourite time of the year. I just love silent rain on an early spring day. Being with my family and closest friends. People with the ability to always make you smile and feel good, some people just got that something special. Homemade strawberry/banana milkshake.
Playstation .
My biggest passion is without a doubt drawing, I really love the feeling of creating something emotional, beautiful and unique. I love trying out new materials though my love is still charcoal and probably always will be.pring and summertime, silent rain on a spring day, being with my family and my friends. Playing games on my PS2. My favourite type of games is adventure games like Dark Cloud 1 and 2 – my all time favourite games. People with the ability to always make you smile, some people just got that something.
My biggest passion is without a doubt drawing, I really love the feeling of creating something emotional and beautiful.
Last but not least I love shopping clothes and drawing materials, I'm very girli on that one.
I hate:
Winter and cold - though I think snow can be very beautiful and mesmerizing on a sunny winter day. Wind - it always messes up you hair. Fake dishonest people. People who steal other's artwork and claim it to be theirs. Spiders and last but not least brussel sprout.

Drawing is my biggest passion and has been since 2000. Each day I grow to love it even more.
I have been drawing on and off since I was a little girl, it was a great way of getting through sad times. I drew my first real portrait when I was about 16 years old of Michael Jackson. The following years I didn't draw as I was busy with school and I didn't really feel the passion for it. When I was 20 years old I started drawing people again and slowly I began to love it more and more. When I was 21 I really started drawing like crazy and today I love it more than ever.
It was also about that time my friend gave me my first charcoal as a birthday present. Though it was not the best kind of charcoal (I later found out), it was the beginning of my charcoal drawings.
My biggest inspiration is my feelings, things I have been going through in life. I find inspiration in the music I listen to as well as it has an amazing way of giving you a certain feeling of either joy or sadness. I love to portray feelings, especially sad ones as it has a great deep meaning to me.
My favourite motive is the human face as well as fairies and angels, there's something magic about it. I love to create something based on an emotion, whether it be my fantasy drawings or portraits. I think art should always have emotions as it makes you feel something and can move you in so many different ways. (c)
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